Fish From Abroad, Help


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
Doncaster UK
Hi Guys,

I know this has probably bee asked like a million times I apologise.

I have a question regarding importing fish from abroad (to UK). If i was wanting to bring in fish, under say 20, what happens at this end? Do I have to have a license? Do customs charge and do they have to be quarrentined? I know they do if there is more than say 26 but what about little shipments?

If this is the case then what about buying fish off aquabid? do they have to go through it all just for say 3 fish?

If any one can help that would be brill but can anyone suggest where i may find further info?

*Friendly note - before anyone decides to lecture me in the travelling times involved - don't :D
Any fish brought into the country - even if just one, has to come through DEFRA (or so I believe). If you don't go through the correct channels and just have it shipped straight to your door, it's definitely illegal.
Why don't you pm Bettaman and see if he can tell you more. You might even be able to import what you want "through" him.
Thank you Bloozoo

That is the name I needed! Off now to research and pester those people in DEFRA!
Do let us know what you find out - it might be helpful to have exact (albeit current) information to many of us :)

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