Fish Free ..... Just 8" Oscar Needs A Home Now


Fish Maniac
May 1, 2008
Reaction score
Livestock: As listed
Quantitys: As Listed
Reason for sale: Moving house
Collection only from Wombourne, West Midlands
Price: Free to good homes/appropriate size tanks only.

1 x 8" Tiger Oscar

1 x 5" Lutino Oscar - going to star4
1 x 5" Tiger Oscar - going to star4
1 x 10" Tinfoil Barb - going to star4
1 x 8" Red Spotted Gold Severum (male)
3 x 6" Geophagus Abalios - going to star4
1 x 6" Geophagus Altifrons - going to star4
2 x 8" - 9" Senegal Bichirs - going to rdp50734 subject to collection
1 x 3-4" Senegal Bichir - going to rdp50734 subject to collection
1 x 6" Synodontis Ocellifer - going to star4
1 x 4" Green Terror (female) - going to star4
1 x 7" Black Ghost Knife Fish - going to star4
1 x 4" Bristlenose Plec (Male) - going to star4
1 x 4" L081 Gold Nugget Plec - going to rdp50734 subject to collection
6 x 1" Rotkeil Severums - going back to star4
1 x 1.5" Otocinclus - going to rdp50734 subject to collection

You will need your own bags to collect these fish, in the case of the large fish, please ensure the bags are BIG, buckets would be ok so long as they have tight fitting lids, these fish will jump! I would prefer them to be going to permanent homes, (although I know with cichlids sometimes you have no choice to rehome if things dont work out) but just because they are free I dont want someone taking them, just to sell on.

I have photos of most of the fish and will post them on request if required.
Sorry to hear your giving up your stock, maybe I could look after these for you if your not moving too far? But I would like regardless,
2 x 8" - 9" Senegal Bichirs
1 x 3-4" Senegal Bichir
1 x 4" L081 Gold Nugget Plec
1 x 1.5" Otocinclus

They will be spread across the 3 tanks and well looked after. Thing is I'm on holiday at the moment and come back Friday if you can hold them for me until then?
Moving half way across the country, so I wont be coming back!

I can hold them for you no problem, Im in no particular hurry, but would like everything gone asap so I can get on with selling the tanks. Only thing to note is the small 3-4" senegal does have a lump in his stomache, had it since star4 collected him from another tank and since Ive had him, doesnt effect him in anyway, he eats well and is active, but something I should mention.
Thats fine hes the right size to go with my other one! I'm quite looking forward to getting home now! You'll need to pm me your address again as I deleted it last time!
Let me know when your back via pm and I will send one back with address :)

Photobucket isnt working, but here is a thread with pics of some of these fish.
I so wish I could help you out, but your guys are just not compatable with mine. Good luck with the move, will you still be staying on TFF, once your settled. :good:
I will be popping on of course and once we are settled and if we have the room, Ive no doubt a tank will appear at some point :)
Moving Eastwards, suffolk area, near the coast, all my family are over there.
Glad to hear it. Even though my mum bought over a bigger tank this weekend, it has the fry in it now. What happen'd to your lads favs the Bolivian rams?
The rams went before they were eaten to rdp. He knows nothing about this yet, so Im expecting major tears as the fish go one by one, probably not just tears from him either :(

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