Fish For Sale


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
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hi all after buying a load of oddball fish from the lfs i've now researched them and found that my 150l tank aint gunna be big enougth and they are refusing to let me return them.
anyway they now have to be sold

i have 4 senegal bichirs and 1 ornate bichir all are around 5-6 inches paid 20 pounds each for the senagals and 25 for the ornate

3 african brown nifefish about 4-5 inches cost 15 pounds each

5 shovel nosed catfish about 4 inches cost 20 pounds each

also from my smaller tank i have a breeding pair of of apistgramma hongsloi for sale

offers welcome on all fish
what's tv show called? arh yes location location location :)
hi all after buying a load of oddball fish from the lfs i've now researched them and found that my 150l tank aint gunna be big enougth and they are refusing to let me return them.
anyway they now have to be sold

i have 4 senegal bichirs and 1 ornate bichir all are around 5-6 inches paid 20 pounds each for the senagals and 25 for the ornate

3 african brown nifefish about 4-5 inches cost 15 pounds each

5 shovel nosed catfish about 4 inches cost 20 pounds each

also from my smaller tank i have a breeding pair of of apistgramma hongsloi for sale

offers welcome on all fish

They sold you 5 shovel nose catfish!! Don't those things grow huge?!?

yes i feel stupid i should of researched them first i usually only do cichlids

and im in liverpool but will post
What they would'nt receive them back :blink:
Man there lucky iam not up there i would have gone in myself and went crazy, how the hell do you sell 5 shovelnosed catfish to one person and not ask them if they actually know how big they get :angry:
I would demand a refund....

Good luck with the sale's mate, Before you decide to get anything else, first get the name of the fish, go home and reasearch first them commit after, You can alway's come on here with a name and there's someone here who should know :good:
thanks mate will do that in future

and i tried the whole demanding they just said no its not there responsibility as
Hi im interested in your african brown knifefish.. Just wondered where in liverpool your based, and could you email me a picture, or upload one to me? Either on here or pm.. Thanks pal. Dean
Have you only got one my experience most decent shops will take anything off your hands in return for a credit note.
Might be worth giving a few a call and explaining what has happened....pretty sure they would sort something out for you.

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