Fish for new tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2003
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I have just got a new small tank (54l) and have filled it with black glass substrate and dark Juwel black background. I want to keep some stunning fish which really show up and feel happy in a dark substrate tank. I would like a small shoal (about 10) of neon tetras, but I need some fish which would look good which would stay small and swim around in the upper/middle layers of the tank. I had thought of about 6 Emperor tetras but I am not sure if they swim in the same region as the neons. Also I had thought of getting a few ghost shrimp for the bottom, are they goos algae cleaners and will they look good in a dark substrate or will they just be invisible? Any suggestions are welcome, especially fish that are not run of the mill but stay small
IMO ghost shrimp show up best on a dark substrate. It sounds like a lovely tank! I don't have Emperor tetras, but my diamond tetras do hang out in the middle. The best top dwellers I have are giant danios, but they are a far cry from tetras in size.

Had a thought...what about dwarf gouramies?
Thanks, I had thought of a pure red betta but was afraid that the tetras might nip his fins

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