fish for new tank

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia

WHEN my tank has finished cycling and everything gets to the 'safe' and normal stage... i am curious as to what fish I should get. I read a post just before about an ideal low matainance tank which was 10g, well planted with a male molly and a couple of cory's (catfish right?). This sounds like a really good idea except that my tank in only a baby 7.5g (30L)

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and remember that this is all hypothetical since i am still weeks away from my tank getting non-hardy fish.

Im really excited about this fish tank :D

p.s. Ive got the heater, test kits, light and under gravel filter which i might upgrade soon since ive heard that they are fairly average.
In a tank of that size i would only put the dwarf species of corydoras ie. pygmeous, hastatus or habrosus as most corys grow beween 2.5" and 3" and as they like to be in groups of 3+ there isn't a lot of room. I would also avoid the molly as they grow quite big.

An ideal setup for your tank would be a group of 6 of the dwarf corys a betta and an apple snail to eat the algae.

Hope this helps

p.s if you take a look in the betta section you'll see the different varieties available.

i would go for a betta and afew cories

the tetras wouldnt goin that tank because they need tto be in groups.And the tank would be overstocked.Also bettas dont like them that much
i would go for a betta rather than a molly because mollies like a little salt in their water.....which cores dont.Although mollies CAN be kept without salt they prefer it to help them live longer.

you could have mabe a pair of dwarf platies instead of the mollie though.

also the applke snail could be a good alge eater to help
hey. i am still a fair way off stocking my tank... without adding anything the ammonia is still up at 1.2 - 2.4 ppm (i dunno why it wont go down!! nitrite is still forming so im not worried)

anywho i would really like a betta but i have a powerhead which means there is a fair bit of current in the tank and i just read that betta's dont like current :X

im thinking dwarf cory's woud still be cool though.

so any more ideas about something that is hardy, colourful and medium sized that wont mind being alone and wont mind a current?

thanks everyone :D
How about 6 neon tetras and a snail? Neons produce very little waste so I would only count them as 1" each.

Or...3 guppies (2 female, 1 male) and 3 african dwarf frogs?
Or 1 african clawed frog?

Oh wait, what about a paradise fish? They are like bettas (personality wise) and are very active. I have one and he has awesome colors.
MegTheFish said:
How about 6 neon tetras and a snail? Neons produce very little waste so I would only count them as 1" each.

Or...3 guppies (2 female, 1 male) and 3 african dwarf frogs?
Or 1 african clawed frog?

Oh wait, what about a paradise fish? They are like bettas (personality wise) and are very active. I have one and he has awesome colors.
have you considered dwarf gouramis i have got two and theyre great they chase each other without causin harm an dont realy bother with my other fish they are so lively
2 blue dwarf gouramis
2 polka dot loaches
1 male guppy
3 platys
5 neon tetras
jkrekord said:
have you considered dwarf gouramis i have got two and theyre great they chase each other without causin harm an dont realy bother with my other fish they are so lively
2 blue dwarf gouramis
2 polka dot loaches
1 male guppy
3 platys
5 neon tetras

hey my tank is getting to the end of its cycle! woo!

anyway.. jkrekord were u reffering to 2 blue dwarf gouramis OR 2 polka dot loaches OR 1 make guppy OR etc that would be suitable for my tank or were they your personal fish?

instead of schooling fish i wouldnt mind two medium sized really pretty fish now. sorry for changing my mind :fun: but hey i dont have any fish in there yet.. let me dream some more.

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