Fish For My Sister

Bob marley

New Member
Jul 21, 2009
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im buying a fish for my sister and i just wanted to know what sort i could get??? i have currently 1 bristlenose 1 Oscar 1 Jack dempsey 1 texas and 1 bala shark. is another Oscar a good idea. my biggest fish in there atm is my silver shark hes bout 10 cm. my Jack is 6cm my Oscar is 5/6 and the tex is 3/4 and my bristle is bout 4cm. any ideas thanks there in a 48' 18' 18' they will only be in there for a while till there all around 10 cm then im gonna go buy a 72' 24' 24'
Your tank is fully stocked and the new tank will be fully stocked as well.

the oscar will reach 10cm within a few months, probably 1 or 2 tops. the bristlenose will most likely become fish food once the cichlids grow a little.
The current sizes of your fish shouldn't matter - you should always be thinking about adult sizes when you consider stocking.

Also, some fish will grow faster than others so you might not be able to wait until they all need an upgrade.

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