Fish For 120g


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2006
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anyone know what some good, large fish for a 120g aquarium would be? (besides oscars) I'm looking for predatory/aggressive fish.

A few fish i like are the black shark, Columbian shark, banded leporinus, any kind of eel, and the black ghost knifefish.

I already have a bichir to be put in the 120g when he gets bigger (he's in a 30g community right now)

thanks :)
Theres a bunch of predatory catfish that could go in there. The lima shovel nose would be pretty cool. Needle nose gars are also nice fish. Maybe some Datnoids. You could do a fire eel, but i wouldnt put the black shark in the tank as they get really big and would probably kill everything else in the tank. There are many other bichir species you could put in there, as long as they are around the same size.
what about the common plec? or some species of gar, large growing interesting fish. what about a nice male frontosa cichlid ? if all else fails maybe a less agressive type of snakehead.
I agree that the tank would be too small for an arowana, but maybe a fire eel would be good for your tank and possibly some kind of dwarf snakehead. I have a 100 UK gal tank and my sailfin pleaco loves it (you might want to try one). Out of curiosity, what filter are you using for it?
I always have thought that red devils are cool fish, maybe a big severum, Jack demphesy, a ray( i'm not sure what size tanks rays need though). Red bay snook are very cool cichlids. Red bay snooks and red devils would be my choose.
why not get a flowerhorn or even a king kong parrot
those are freakin awesome
they get pretty big and my friends flowerhorn has a kok as big as a tennis ball :hyper:
Out of curiosity, what filter are you using for it?
I'm getting the 120g from somebody off craigslist. He says that it is a Fluval 305. I'll be getting a much bigger one later on.

yeah, I thought about the arowana

how about the frontosa and managuense cichlids? those look cool...and BIG :drool:
or maybe an arapaima?? :p
Well, I just received a picture of the entire setup (tank, stand, filter, hood, etc.) and I don't like the looks of it - especially the stand. So, I'll be looking around some more until i find what I want (I could end up getting something smaller, like a 75g).
actually, the 75g is probably going to be a "last resort" kinda thing. I'm definitely going for the largest tank possible.
how difficult/easy are piranhas? that might be interesting to have a shoal of those. :shifty:

I dont know why, but I'm just not that interested in cichlids.
hellohefalump is right, a fahaka would be awesome, but may be a bit cramped in a 120.

What do you want to know about about piranhas? :D
i haven't really done any research on piranhas yet, what are some good sites for care, etc.? One more thing - how many could i fit in a 120g?

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