Fish food

Chaos bringer

New Member
Feb 19, 2005
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I feed my fish daily with a standard flake food i also feed them weekly with bloodworm. please tell me if you use live foods or if you have any information on homemade food. and foods your fish eat e.g garden peas just generally tell me about your experiences and recamendations with fish food. Thanks

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Usually, variety is recommended.
You must know your fish's det though.

Bettas will eat mostly only meaty foods like bloodworms, mosquitoe larvae. flies...

Lievbearers are omnivorous but require more veggies than meat.

New World Cichlids will require more meat than veggies while most African Cichlids feed off mostly algea...

Staple flake food is ok for most fish but it is best to compliment with frozen food once in a while. than again, depends on the fish

My bettas get fed nly frozen foods
my guppies get fed flakes, algea pellets and a little bit of frozen foods

my tetras eat flakes and frozen

the cories get fed sinking pelletts (shrimp and algea) and frozen food

my shrimp are fed whatever is left over...
I feed all of my fish Tetra-Min Tropical Crisps and occasionally supplement with frozen bloodworms or Brine Shrimp.
A varied diet of flakes,frozen and veg, also daphnia is good it helps the fish digest it's food.

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