Fish Food


New Member
Oct 21, 2012
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So it turns out the beautiful killifish i just purchased is actually a peacock goby. After doing a bit of research it would seem the goby is a fussy eater and should really be feed on live food. So my question is thus; what is the easiest/most cost effective way of supply my goby with live food. Answers on a postcard.

Fair point, it's not alive but it is still classed as live food rather than processed flake/pellet and OP did ask for the easiest/most cost effective way.

The only alternative is live brine shrimp, daphnia, etc. which would mean special trips to LFS a few times a week or growing your own....neither of which are the easiest/most cost effective way.
Thank-you for the advice. I will try some frozen food and hopefully he will take to it.
I know, only messing with you ;) frozen food is indeed the best way unless you want to mess around with live.
Bear in mind a small cube explodes into masses of food....the wife dumped a whole cube of Cyclops in her 64 litre and it was like a snowstorm!

Try breaking a cube up and defrost small chunks until you get the amount right ;)

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