Fish Food


New Member
Aug 26, 2008
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Just wondered if you have any fish foods that you use that the fish go mad for and love
like any veg or fruit? ive tryed a few like peas,cucumber,carrot and lettuce

any other recommendations

thank you
zuccini or commonly known as corgette. catfish love them and so do amano shrimps.
Not a veggie but Prawns are a top love of most my fish! In fact the only ones that dont eat it suprisingly are the betta's.
I have a community tank of gouramis, zebra danios, german blue rams, black phantom tetras, guppies, platties,a BN plec and amano shrimp. I feed mine plec wafers, peas, courgettes, peppers, cucumber, sweet potatoes, bananas, flake food, frozen blood worms & daphnia, crab pellets, raw minced beef, cooked or raw prawn and tuna from my sandwich!!

Try everything and anything, they will soon let you know the score - they are all individuals and some will gobble it up and some wont!
yeah i have ground my bloodworm pelets up (in the coffee grinder!!) i feed blood worm, flake, veg things, normal veg (that u and i eat) and catfish pelets.
I've found that all my fish go absolutely BESERK for baby earthworms ( about the size of a bloodworm and free out of the compost bin! ). My Dwarf Gourami actually snaps at my finger to get the worm off before I even touch the water!
I dunno about favorites, havn't been doing this long. Still experimenting. I bought some fozen Cyclops today, cause it listed Tetra as one of the things its good for. HOLY COW those things are tiny. I don't think the fish even realized they were being fed at first. Right now they're all just kinda swimming in place and vaccuming up the specs. Frozen bloodworms seem popular with my fishes. I havn't been able to find live food anywhere, with the exception of brine shrimp.
Mine go for frozen daphnia the way Ron's go for cyclops. I think they are both about the same size but even 3 inch long swordtails will take the time to search out every last one.
my oscar thor goes absolutely mental for cooked salad shrimp. if he sees me head for the kitchen to defrost a piece, i can hear him hit the glass canopy a few times saying, "are you gonna give me shrimp? are you gonna give me shrimp?" so i walk past his tank to the opposite side and he swims so fast to the other side that a little bit of water spills out of the top of the tank. if i'm feeling down it cheers me up every time.

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