Fish food for angelfish


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales, UK (not australia)
Tiger barbs at the moment are a no-no.
There are other fish in my lfs but i am unsure if they will get gobbled up by the angelfish here are some of them;
black widow tetra,
white cloud minnow
rummy nose tetra

I can't remember any other for the moment
but an you tell me if these will be angelfish food
sorry, i didn't explain myself properly
no worries now, I have found a group compatible with angels;
my first fish to my tank before i get the angels are
silver mollies (maybe)
The problem usually comes when you are adding small fish to an Angel that is already in a tank, and is fairly large, it may think you are adding food!
If you are adding them together or before I'm sure there will be no problems intially, but as the Angel gets to full size it may not be able to resist a small snack if it will fit in its mouth! -_-

Having said that i have a full grown Angel in a tank with neons and penguin tetras and it has never bothered them at all.

good luck and enjoy! Sounds like a nice set up

If your Angels are tank bred they wouldn't bother your tetras cause they probably never seen any other fish before...I would try them anyways and i don't think your going to have problems since most fish on your list is quite big to fit on an angels mouth... :D
are there any fish the same or a bit bigger size than angels. I've seen some blood parrots and wondered if they are compatible. anyone know any more colourful fish compatable with angelfish and around the same size?

my angelfish is still a baby (small) and still will have a go at the other fish if they get too close ( territorial fish) ( i will list my fish later) it will have a go at them for about a week you will find chunks out of other fishes fins sorry if this sounds cruel but this is how i got mine to get along (do not keep the fish in if the angel is constantly nipping :flex: )

hope this helps

1 angelfish
4 neons
3 scissor tails
8 plattys
1 dwarf puffer
1 pleck
1 red tail shark
this is run on a fluval internal filter
150w heater
duel valve airpump
2 foot tank

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

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