Fish Food For A Newbie!


Mar 26, 2011
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Bolton (UK)
Had a quick scan over the forum and cant see any topics about feeding. Just wondering if there is any foods that you think is worth stocking from day one and is eaten by a number of fish?

Maybe a small rundown of what people stock for there fish?
Marine flakes and sticks are good - they provide all round nutrition for pretty much all basic fish types (excluding specialist fish type) :good:

Frozen foods such as mysis and brine shrimp provide a good snack but brine shrimp is not very nutritious. You should provide these with marine flakes as a minimum.

Then for Tangs and Angel fish you can add things such as a sponge based food, and seaweed (dried) - they can live without it but will be much healthier with!

Some fish such as certain types or wrasse and goby mandarin are soley reliant on food such as cope pods.

There are a number of other fish types that require specialist feeding but in general get yourself a good marine flake food and frozen mysis and brine shrimp. :)
There are a lot of great frozen foods out there, I prefer frozen over flake or pellet. Foods like "Formula 1" and "brine shrimp plus", madde by Ocean nutrition are wonderful. They are made of may different types of foods (muscles, squid etc.). Omnivores should be provided a veggie as well like clowns, for example. Either a flake/pellet veggie or there are some frozen ones too.
Got to be new era for me, i dont think you can beat them. I feed the flake and pellets

Seffie x

+ of course mysis, the odd choped up prawn
i use gamma frozen push packs aswell, they have abutton on the bottom of the pack that when pressed releases frozen goodies.
Might sound a stupid Q but if you have some fish that need veggie food and some that need meaty, will they not just eat anything that is given, or do you keep just veggie fish or meaty fish. Haha does not make sense but can't think how to explain it!!!

Will they know what they should eat and only eat the right stuff?
Might sound a stupid Q but if you have some fish that need veggie food and some that need meaty, will they not just eat anything that is given, or do you keep just veggie fish or meaty fish. Haha does not make sense but can't think how to explain it!!!

Will they know what they should eat and only eat the right stuff?

No reason multiple types of food can't be fed to the same tank. Unless there is some sort of bullying going on that keeps some animal(s) from getting to the food they need (such as a predator bullying an herbivore), fish will eat what they want out of what's given. If they taste something they don't like, they'll spit it out and then the next guy can sample it. Not sure what you mean by the "right stuff."

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