Fish flakes


Fish Crazy
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Jul 16, 2023
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These are the flakes I was given by the shop when I bought my fish

Are they any good?

I have also got alge wafers for my pleco
Bug bites for my corys
And I feed my adf frozen blood work hand fed


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Can you post the ingredients?
Btw, bug bites for Cory's are very good and were recommended to me from Byron on here.
Think that’s it


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What fish are you feeding?

The ingredients on packaging are normally listed in the order of most to least. That is to say the first item is the main ingredient, the second item is another main ingredient but there's not a much as the first item. The third item is less than the previous two and so on. The last ingredient/s have the least amount of stuff in the product.

The first ingredient is mealworms, an insect larvae that has been crushed into a powder. It's not too bad.

The second ingredient is wheat flour. Fish can't digest grains and flours are added to fish food to act as binding agents to hold everything together, and to act as fillers to bulk up the weight of the item. It's basically rubbish added to fish food to make it heavier and fish can't use it.

The third item is herring meal, which can be anything from whole fish to fish guts, scales and bones. It's not too bad but it would be preferable to have whole herring flesh or whole herring instead of herring meal.

Cornstarch is another grain and is useless to fish.

Kelp is good. It's a seaweed and highly nutritious.

Potatoe is useless because fish can't digest terrestrial root vegetables.

Minerals could be anything from sodium chloride (salt) through to calcium, magnesium, iron or anything else. Unfortunately it doesn't state what the minerals are so it's meaningless.

Fish Hydrolysate is basically liquified fish. They would be better off using whole fish at the start so they didn't need this.

Salmon oil is fish oil and that is fine.

It's not the worst fish food but not the best.
I’m feeding Mollies cardinal and bleeding heart tetras corys (just got some bug bites for them) and a bn plec ( got some wafers for him)

Can you recommend something I find it’s hard for me to get omega one food in uk,
What about bug bites blue label food
Have a look here for some decent foods...

I used a basic flake food in the morning, then frozen and live food at night.

Marine mix was the staple food I used for most fish. It contains prawn, fish and squid that is minced up and frozen in blocks or sheets. You take some out and feed it to the fish. if the fish have small mouths, use a pair of scissors to cut the food up into little bits.

Then I used frozen brineshrimp, bloodworms, mysis shrimp and daphnia. I used a different one each day.

After the fish had eaten that, I added live newly hatched brineshrimp, or microworms, or mozzie larvae. When the roses had aphids, the aphids got fed to the fish as well.
Have a look here for some decent foods...

The ingredients of their 'tropical flakes' are
"Fish meal, Wheat flour, Vegetable protein concentrate, Dried yeast, Plankton, Algae, Oil and fats, Lecithin, Antioxidants and colourants"

Their Ultra Tropical Flakes contain
"Brewer's yeast, Insect meal, Wheat, Wheat gluten, Soya, Fish hydrolysate, Herring meal, Shrimp hydrolysate, Potato starch, Salmon Oil, Garlic, Shrimp, Curcuma, Crab eggs, Carob, Spirulina, Carrot, Paprika"

See post #5 for Colin's comments on those.
I would be interested to hear what members think about these ingredients of a flake food.

"Ingredients: Whole salmon, whole shrimp, wheat flour, kelp, whole herring, wheat gluten (plus a few vitamins)"

I'll say what it is later.

Colin, @Byron
I would be interested to hear what members think about these ingredients of a flake food.

"Ingredients: Whole salmon, whole shrimp, wheat flour, kelp, whole herring, wheat gluten (plus a few vitamins)"

I'll say what it is later.

Colin, @Byron
Get rid of the wheat and gluten and you have a great food for fish that like high protein diets. Even having the wheat after the whole herring would be better but it's not a bad looking food.
I would be interested to hear what members think about these ingredients of a flake food.

"Ingredients: Whole salmon, whole shrimp, wheat flour, kelp, whole herring, wheat gluten (plus a few vitamins)"

I'll say what it is later.

Colin, @Byron
Contains no "meal" so basically no animal testicles, bones, brains, and other cheap leftover bits no one wants.

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