Fish Fights


Fish Fanatic
Nov 2, 2007
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Hi all,
Just recently bought myself a royal whiptail, he's beautiful. Put him in my community tank to wake up the next morning to his top fins being ripped :(. I thought it may have been my cherry barbs, so i moved them to another tank, but his fins simply got worse! I have three siamese girls but they are ordinarily really peaceful. Ive had siamese females for years now, and the three i have now are the most peaceful ive ever had! None of my other fish (cory's, pictus, bristlenose, glass fish) have ever had their fins attacked, so i just dont understand why my whiptail would suddenly be a problem to the other fish!
Anyone know if this will continue? I moved him out of my community tank and he's now all by himself in my bristlenose breeding tank, but i dont like him being by himself. Is the picking liable to stop when he gets a bit bigger? Or should i just leave him separate and maybe get another one to keep him company?
Can you post water stats of main tank please in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
How many fish and which type.
Have you seen any fish nipping his fins.

Signs of finrot are.
White or red edging to fins.
Cloudy or transparant fins.
Red steaking in fins.
Fins sticking together with excess slime.
Holes in fins.
Raggy fins that are falling off in chunks.

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