Moormom; as you've been cleaning filter in tap water, it won't have any of the good bacteria living in there which eat the fish's wastes, and stop the water from becoming toxic.
You will need to change at least half the water, every day, making sure the new water is temperature matched and dechlorinated, until you can get some test kits, and from now on only ever clean your filter in some old tank water. That will allow those good bacteria to grow, and then you'll be able to change the water once a week.
Popeye is usually caused by a bacterial infection, which the fish pick up from dirty water when they're already stressed or sick; in this case from the ammonia which has been building up in the water; fish produce ammonia all the time; in their wee and poo, but also as a byproduct of their respiration.
It may clear up on it's own, with the daily water changes, but you might need to get some anti bacterial medicine as well. I would recommend either Myxazin or esha 2000.