Fish Emergency


Mostly New Member
Aug 10, 2014
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I have a huge problem, my Black moor Bubbles has a very badly swollen eye. It's cloudy and like 5 times it's normal size(which is adorably huge normally). It's so swollen that it's bleeding. I've had Bubbles since he was a baby and I'm very worried. Can someone please help me?
Oh no!

What are the readings (Ph, Ammonia) on your tank? What is your schedule for water changes?
Please, if you can, get Tubby out of the tank for the time being.
I'm thinking Popeye, goldies are prone to it.
Since you have 2 goldfish in the 10 gallon, the water will most likely be the problem. Please get a bigger tank for them if you can, if you can't it may come to rehoming. :/
This morning the swelling is down but my poor Bubbles eye is looking worse
Poor little guy :( Would very much appreciate if you can answer LG's questions. Do you have a test kit?
No not yet I'm pretty new to fish and didn't know I needed one
As far as my tank cleaning I wash the filter once a week and fully change the Water once a month plus I use water balancer once a week per the bottle's instructions and clarifier as needed. What do you mean by "rehome"
Re-home means giving them away, either to the LFS or someone you can find..usually on second hand sites like craigslist. Craigslist would also be a good place to find a bigger tank so you can upgrade them

You should get a test kit ASAP, preferably liquid as they are more accurate than the strips. API is a popular brand for this.
You need to be doing much more water changes with goldfish in that size tank. I would think 50% a week if not more, especially since it sounds like the tank isn't cycled so possibly daily or twice daily water changes.
When you clean the filter, how do you do it? Rinsing them in tap water can kill the bacteria so it is best to do it in old tank water.
The filter media should not be replaced unless falling apart and even then only a small amount at a time.
I plan on looking for a bigger tank in about 2 weeks and yes I clean the filter in tap water as for the testing kit I'll be getting one asap
That's good.
Does Bubbles' eye look like this?

If it does, he may need fast treatment. If Popeye isn't cured a fish's eye can decay and fall off.
Moormom; as you've been cleaning filter in tap water, it won't have any of the good bacteria living in there which eat the fish's wastes, and stop the water from becoming toxic. 
You will need to change at least half the water, every day, making sure the new water is temperature matched and dechlorinated, until you can get some test kits, and from now on only ever clean your filter in some old tank water. That will allow those good bacteria to grow, and then you'll be able to change the water once a week.
Popeye is usually caused by a bacterial infection, which the fish pick up from dirty water when they're already stressed or sick; in this case from the ammonia which has been building up in the water; fish produce ammonia all the time; in their wee and poo, but also as a byproduct of their respiration.
It may clear up on it's own, with the daily water changes, but you might need to get some anti bacterial medicine as well. I would recommend either Myxazin or esha 2000.
This is how he looks right now

This was last night

On a website I read it said to quarantine him so I did is that right?
Moormom said:
This is how he looks right now

This was last night

On a website I read it said to quarantine him so I did is that right?
yup, just be sure to get some form of aeration in the quarantine tank, like an airstone or a pump.
Ok so my wonderful husband gave me the money for Bubbles medicine I'm going to get it today and begin treatment when I get home keeping my fingers crossed that it'll work
Moormom said:
Ok so my wonderful husband gave me the money for Bubbles medicine I'm going to get it today and begin treatment when I get home keeping my fingers crossed that it'll work
great! :)
Bubbles has been dosed and I got some test strips my PH is low how do I fix this?

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