Fish Emergency

kyle sicard

Fish Crazy
Feb 25, 2008
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I bought 3 purple anthiasas 1 week ago and peps said there hard to get to eat. I haven't seen my anthiasas eat once. I'm currently feeding squid,brine shrimp, and mysis shrimp all frozen. please tell me what they eat or how i should feed them!
Humm, did you ask the LFS whatt they were eating in the store?
did they show you the fish eating those foods, or did they just give you their words?
they just gave me their words and they did say that there hard to get to eat. But i've been going there for 4 years now and i trust them so I don't think they lied to me
Just a thought but may be worth seeing what they do with a little flake food, there is always the possability they will take it or that the LFS gave you the wrong info by mistake.
As a last resort try livefood to stimulate the apetite, also chasing after it perky them up no The LFS should have some. Try Brine shrimp for starters, Ive yet to find a fish that wont eat brine shrimp :)
sadly they are all dead only 1 died of lack of food 2 eaten by eel cuz i came into my room and there my eel was chomping down on 1 then he ate the other.....
dont be so quick to say the eel killed them, they could have died and the eel just saw it as a free meal.

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