Fish Eat Fish!

Get the Zebras out of the tank now. Convicts are not normally fish eaters but they are prone to killing weaker fish. Convicts are not good community fish because of things like this, try Festivums or Rams if you want to keep cichlids with peaceful fish.
Get the Zebras out of the tank now. Convicts are not normally fish eaters but they are prone to killing weaker fish. Convicts are not good community fish because of things like this, try Festivums or Rams if you want to keep cichlids with peaceful fish.

Not festivums. :blink: They are not a community fish. My 2" babies killed a 5" flash plec, took chunks out of my 4" severums, and killed one boesmanni rainbow fish. They had my 5-6" usually bolshy rusty plec hiding all day.

Definitely not for the community tank, and far far from peaceful. And as they get bigger than convicts, and the "do not mix with fish they can fit in their mouth" rule applies as with other cichlids, they're no more suitable anyway.

Peaceful cichlids that can go in a community tank? Rainbow cichlids, from my experience. And they're beautiful too ;)
You should separate the fish imediately- either put something in the tank to divide it into two sections, separating the danio's from the convicts, or (ideally) get the danio's their own suitable sized tank ASAP. How many gallons is the tank the fish are currently in and what fish/critters do you have in it currently?
So, a Festivum probably isn't the most ideal choice either. You should seperate the fish immediately, and either keep them in seperate tanks or decide which you would like to keep and return the others to the LFS and research a new stock set-up. Good luck.

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