New Member
I have a 29 gallon aquarium I was given three months ago. It was established and partially stocked with two tiger barbs and three black fin tetras at the time. After the first month I began adding a few fish. Three weeks ago I quit adding fish. There were two blue rainbowfish, 3 blackfin tetras, 6 tiger barbs, and 12 neon tetras. Four days ago one of the blackfin tetras died. It had very frayed fins. Since then 3 of the tiger barbs have died. I am thinking mebbe a agressive fish is to blame. One of the remaining tiger barbs is a bit nippy so I removed it today and put it in a temperary tank. I am thinking mebbe it is killing/stressing the other fish? I check ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate weekly before the water changes. Ammonia and nitrite have always been zero since the first week I had the tank. Nitrates were 80 ppm at first, but have not been over 20ppm in over a month. Water temp is 78 degrees. Any idea on what is causing the problem? Thanks in advance.