Fish Dying


New Member
May 15, 2010
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Today i lost one of my platys and a clown loach. I have been to buy a test kit (API Master Test kit). The results are as follows:

High Range PH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 5 ppm
Nitrate: 10 ppm

I am about to do a water change but would like to hear your thoughts and advice.

Many Thanks

If you really meant 5ppm nitrite and not 0.5ppm (which still is not great, should always be under 0.25 if not zero), my hunch that is your problem right there. :(

Any wway you can take a 20ml sample of your tank water to a LFS?
How long has your tank setup been in existance?
Did you "fishless" or "fish-in" cycle, or "silent cycle" a heavily planted setup?
What other fish are in the tank and their sizes?
How size is the tank?
pH is a tad high for Clown Loach, I doubt this caused it's death though.

Any wway you can take a 20ml sample of your tank water to a LFS?

There's no need to get water tested elsewhere if you are using an API kit, as they use that in most shops anyway (all P@H)

Keep doing your water changes and keep testing until the levels are down.

How many gallons is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
How long has the tank been set up.
What your tap nitrate reading.

Immediate water change, and increase aeration.
How many gallons is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
How long has the tank been set up.
What your tap nitrate reading.

Immediate water change, and increase aeration.
Hi, Tank is 92 litres
ive got 24 fish 10 neon tetras, 9 cherry barbs(i think thats what they are?) 3 silver sharks, 1 platty and 1 clown loach all small size
tank been running 3 weeks now
ive got plenty of plants in the tank
air stone

i did a water change on thursday evening and treated tap water 1st with water conditioner(Biotopol plus)
i have since lost 2 more plattys
i will test nitrate in tap water
SHOULD i do another water change?
im gonna test the water in the tank again readings to follow

Thanks Linda(newbie)
Tap water readings for nitrate are 0ppm

tank readings are as follows
PH 7.8
ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 5ppm
Nitrate 20ppm

done another water change about 3rd of tank am i doing the right thing?
If you really meant 5ppm nitrite and not 0.5ppm (which still is not great, should always be under 0.25 if not zero), my hunch that is your problem right there. :(

Any wway you can take a 20ml sample of your tank water to a LFS?
How long has your tank setup been in existance?
Did you "fishless" or "fish-in" cycle, or "silent cycle" a heavily planted setup?
What other fish are in the tank and their sizes?
How size is the tank?
Hi, i did a fishless cycle with a couple of plants in i also used pure aquarium balls and evolution aqua pure accelerator as recommended by LFS left tank for 7 days, i had filter running for the 7 days too. tank is about 90 litres,tank been running 2 weeks with fish in 3 weeks all together
Silver sharks will outgrow your tank, so will the clown loach.

done another water change about 3rd of tank am i doing the right thing?

Yes, if the levels of A/N/N are high in your tank then the best thing to do is water change.

Hi, Tank is 92 litres
ive got 24 fish 10 neon tetras, 9 cherry barbs(i think thats what they are?) 3 silver sharks, 1 platty and 1 clown loach

Thanks Linda(newbie)

24 fish in 3 weeks is hard going. Unless you did a fishless cycle, your filter will be trying to catch up with that load.
You've got to pace yourself with the stocking, but don't worry. We've all been there. Im currently running a 200 litre with 14 fish in, and it's been running for nearly 3 months now! It's a pain waiting so you can stock, (as you wanna get all you can in there straight away!) but im afraid that's what you have to do unless you have done a fishless cycle.
Silver sharks will outgrow your tank, so will the clown loach.

done another water change about 3rd of tank am i doing the right thing?

Yes, if the levels of A/N/N are high in your tank then the best thing to do is water change.

Hi, Tank is 92 litres
ive got 24 fish 10 neon tetras, 9 cherry barbs(i think thats what they are?) 3 silver sharks, 1 platty and 1 clown loach

Thanks Linda(newbie)

24 fish in 3 weeks is hard going. Unless you did a fishless cycle, your filter will be trying to catch up with that load.
You've got to pace yourself with the stocking, but don't worry. We've all been there. Im currently running a 200 litre with 14 fish in, and it's been running for nearly 3 months now! It's a pain waiting so you can stock, (as you wanna get all you can in there straight away!) but im afraid that's what you have to do unless you have done a fishless cycle.
Your tanks severely overstocked even if the silver sharks, and clown loaches are small.

I would think about taking the clown loaches, and silver sharks back to the lfs.
Even though there babys the tanks is way to small for them.

Research the fish before you buy for tank size, adult size, compatability.

Immediate water change and increase aeration.

You added far to many fish to soon.

Also neon tetra's need mature tanks of six months.

If you don't sort your stocking out i'm afraid it's all going to end in tears.

This is my mums tank. Unfortunately one of the silver sharks died this morning :( and the other 2 dont look so great.

We have just tested the water again though and the results were a little better....

PH: 7.4
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 1ppm
Nitrate: 10ppm

She has been doing regular water changes and the results seem to be getting better.
Until she reduces her stocking fish will keeping dying.
Yes, get rid of the Silver Sharks and Clown Loach asap! You may find the Neon Tetra's will start to die off as they are prone to disease due to poor water conditions.

The clown loach and sharks dont look too clever, i think that maybe she should cull them.

She will then be left with the tetras, cherry barbs and 1 platy. To be honest all the other fish actually seem to be doing really well.
I don't believe in culling fish till you have tryed everything to save them.

Tell her to keep preformng water changes.
If the fish recover then rehome them.

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