My pond kois keep dying due to the snow/cold weather, they have been fine every other winter and ive had them 3 years now, but this winter they have started to die, all kois have died ( 4 ) but goldfish and orfs are fine, can anyone help me here and stop my fish dying please?
They have been fine up till now and all seem to have started to die, no signs off illness just appear dead in mornings, after a cold/snowy night's
All was ok for 3 years and last winter, just seem be this winter, what can i do to stop this happening again and stop them from dying please?
any help will be very, very great full, has Ive lost my high grades kois and really upset, thanks
They have been fine up till now and all seem to have started to die, no signs off illness just appear dead in mornings, after a cold/snowy night's
All was ok for 3 years and last winter, just seem be this winter, what can i do to stop this happening again and stop them from dying please?
any help will be very, very great full, has Ive lost my high grades kois and really upset, thanks