
Mostly New Member
Dec 8, 2015
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I've had a 60L tropical tank set up for a year now and it's been full sustainable and great.

Over the past month i have added some bogwood, and some live plants.

both have been soaked in water as suggested.

since adding to my tank my water has became very cloudy (which i've read is fine)

the bogwood also begun to grow a white "fur"ish layer mainly on the open ends (again, i read this is fine and natural)

I've been doing daily water tests on the tank and according to the Tetra 6 in 1 kit my water is totally fine and in the "ok" sections. I'll list below

No3 = roughly 5
no2 =0
between 8d and >16d
KH = roughly 5d
pH = roughly 7
cl2 = 0

Despite this i've found my black phantoms to be swimming at the top of the water the past few days, and just now i've seen one beginning to lose it's balance and sitting at the bottom of the tank.

I'm so confused as to what could be the problem and believe the cause for action should be to remove the bog wood, and the plants. Does anybody have any suggestions for me?

thank you SO MUCH in advance!
The problem with those test strips is that they don't test for ammonia. You need to buy some type of tester for that. Without knowing your ammonia level it is difficult to say what the cause it.

Until you know whether your ammonia is zero or above zero, I would do a 50% water change, and do one every day till you find out your ammonia level.

Some people report that the white goo on wood can be poisonous to fish, while other (like me) have had fish eat it with no problems. Just in case, I would scrub the white off the wood whenever it appears.

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