JuliaAndFish co.
Fish Fanatic
Hi, I have noticed recently that some fish have begun to randomly dissappear from my tank. Guppies, a molly, a female betta, and some tetras, and I have deduced that the only thing that could be killing them would be either my 3 yoyo loaches or my female bristlenose pleco. I haven't seen them ever be aggressive towards any other fish, and my tank has plenty hiding spots. I have searched the tank again and again, but I cannot find any sign of bodies or anything . The fish killed were healthy, and all fish are fed enough. My water parameters are:
Ph 6.8
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 10
Chlorine 0
If anyone can explain what the problems could be and what to do with it I'd be very grateful
Ph 6.8
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 10
Chlorine 0
If anyone can explain what the problems could be and what to do with it I'd be very grateful