Fish Disease - Unsure What It Is?


New Member
Nov 12, 2007
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Any ideas.

I have a blue damsel which has not eaten for 3 days and is hiding under a rock. He is rapidly breathing and where he was dark blue all over he is now gone white at the bottom front of him.

I believe it may be brooklynella hostilis but dont know for sure - or what to do - i dont want the whole tank infected???

Please help!!
When set up my first marine tank I had two blue devils that had this same problem, but they died after a day. Completely unsure what it is, but judging by the rate of breathing (and assuming that none of your other fish have it) my best guess would be gill flukes. In that case copper (not my choice) or freshwater baths may cure it, as well as hyposalinity.
Completely unsure what it is, but judging by the rate of breathing (and assuming that none of your other fish have it) my best guess would be gill flukes.

You sure theyre not just uber stressed? Ive had blue damsels turn almost black in shipping bags. That would account for the hiding and rapid breathing.

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