Fish disease emergency. Help Needed ASAP!


New Member
Mar 23, 2004
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I have the tank that is in my signature, go figure.

Water param.

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate unsure

PH- 7.6
78 Degrees

I recently lost a Dwarf Gourami (2 days ago) for no specific reason, no visual disease, just stopped eating, stayed on the bottom and died. Today my Praecox male has been showing similar signs, and has attempted flooracide 3 times. He wont eat and I have moved him into a 5 gallon Q tank. He just stares at the glass in a bottom corner, hardly moves. I have no idea what is affecting my fish! Also I have a Harlequin Raspbora that has some type of small, larger than ick sized white spots on its body. Only one of my 6 that has it and it is the smallest. I feed once a day or every other day a mixture of Brine Shrimp, or Flakes, or Bloodworms. What is going on, I NEED HELP!

1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Marble Angel
2 Dwarf Neon Rainbows (m/f)
6 Harlequin Raspboras
1 Clown Ple*o
2 Albino Cory Cats
1 Juli Cory
1 Mystery Snail
Hi sorry about your fish you would be better posting this in the fish emergency section you will get a more prompt reply with help.

ps ..good luck :(
Sorry to hear about the fish...

What type of filtration? Does the spot on the Harlequin rasboras look like a fungus? If it's a parasite, take a look at your snail. It may have affected it first. Has anything been done prior to this happening, like a large water change, adding shells, new fish, etc.?
Is your tank fairly new? I wish I knew what to say to help. :dunno:

Welcome to the forums,I'm confident someone can help soon. :nod:
The tank is not new, it has been set up for more than 3 monthes, and is completely cycled. I just added a Blue Molt Shrimp, but it is doing fine and showing no signs of problems. I am going to try to take the preacox back to my LFS since I cant get a school of them. Any ideas on the problems are appreciated though.
What kind of filter are you using?

Did you perform a water change? If so, did you test your ammonia, nitrites/nitrates, etc. before or after the water change?
I have a whisper 40 with frequent changes, once a week. I have had 0's on both for about a month now consitently. Thanks for any help.
I just added a Blue Molt Shrimp, but it is doing fine and showing no signs of problems.
Was this added prior to the problems or after? If it was added prior to the problems, then it may have had some internal parasites.

Regarding the gourami, have you been observing it feces? If so, was it clear or whitish and stringy looking? If so, it could have had an internal parasite. I would watch the rest of the fish to see if their feces is whitish.
I had no problems prior to adding the shrimp. I think I will take the shrimp to the LFS and see what they say. If they dont see anything wrong I think I will take it back. Thanks for the help.

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