Fish diarroea?

What are you feeding them? And it's "diarrhea".
Itty Bitty Betta said:
What are you feeding them? And it's "diarrhea".
It's "diarrhoea" here in the UK. :lol:

Sorry dunno about the original problem. I do know that differences in 'waste' can be a sign of internal bacteria problems.
Cheese Specialist said:
Itty Bitty Betta said:
What are you feeding them? And it's "diarrhea".
It's "diarrhoea" here in the UK. :lol:

Sorry dunno about the original problem. I do know that differences in 'waste' can be a sign of internal bacteria problems.
You can try brineshrimp first to give them a bit of fiber in their diet before you move on to medication.
Itty Bitty Betta said:
You can try brineshrimp first to give them a bit of fiber in their diet before you move on to medication.
Peas are also very good for this, if not better. You have to get peas that are untreated (with salt etc), frozen are good. Then you must put them in some tank water for a few minutes to defrost them and then you have to take the shell off and cut them into bite sized pieces. Personally I just squish them and feed them to my fish by hand.

It's really good for all fish, especially goldfish and most fish really like them!



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