Fish Deaths


New Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Arghhhhhhhhhhh so angry/disapointed/astonished at my recent deaths. 6 neons 5 rasboras... dont know about the pleco yet, cant seem to find him though. Mysterious thing is my rummy nose seem in perfect health, as do my angelfish...

what could it be? there has been a heat wave, of 40+ celcius the last 3 days here in melbourne. my room did get pretty hot, but i dont know how hot. havent fed the fish in 2 days, but i dont think this is too uncommon, as i feed every second day anyway. there may have been a power outtage when i was at work but dont know any details :S... so pissed off... made a real effort latley to keep the tank AAA+ maintained... Its like leanardo davinci painting the mona lisa, then someone running up and throwing a can of blue paint all over the canvass.
lol thats the closest i can give you to my disapointment.

are rasboras and neons that heat sensative? oh yeh, the angel is 20 cent sized... or like 4.5cm, pretty small, not really big enough to start bothering the neons and rasboras, which i was about to put in my other tank that has just finnished cycling............ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so annoyed. The pleco is a bit of a psychopath, pretty agressive and territoral for BN pleco, but i never seen him have beef with the tetras/schooling fishes.

so disapointed.

that is all.
depending on how warm the tank got would determine whether the temp killed the neons and rasboras. You might have had a power failure and if the temp was above 30C then there would have been no light and a low oxygen level in the water. This could have pushed the fish over the edge, especially if the temp went above 32C.
Bristlenose and angelfish are more tolerant of high temps than tetras and rasboras.
what about the rummy nose though? all 5 look fine. they seem a lil stressed, but they havent faded colours or anything like that. they fed just before.
rummynose are pretty tough when settled into a tank. they also live longer than neons so chances are they were just healthier and more able to withstand the warmer water.

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