Fish Dealer


New Member
Oct 15, 2006
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I am starting to lose faith in the fish shop that i previously thought to be so good !
They recommended the little CAE ( called it a golden sucking loach) since then i have joined u lot and feel that you cant all be wrong when you ID'd the fish as a CAE ... yes , i trust you !

Popped back into the dealer today as i was passing and asked a few questions ... is that a chineses algae eater ? ,,,,, naaa replied, its a golden sucking loach. Don't they grow to about 8" and start sucking the other fish ? ,,,, Naaa they're good community fish ! Then i noticed Siamese fighters in tiny 4" x 3" x 10" high 'tanks' looking very sad and out of breath ... should i be alarmed and looking for another dealer sad2.gif

Also reckon the Siamese fighter would be ok in unheated tank...

opinions please ( i have a 8 week old 30 litre biorb, 2 zebra danios, 2 gold barbs and the chinese algae eater, unheated room temperature)

Gaz no.gif
a CAE is too big for a 30l also what is your room temperature? No need to really be alarmed but there is another one near you give them a try. Also it is very cruel to keep a fighter in a 10cm long tank considering they grow to what 7.5cm? if i were you id go somewhere else.
Cheers flame
rooms about 21 degree (day time)

Size wise the barbs and the danio's are ok, but they really need a heated tank, i'm sure you can get one for the biorbs.

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