Fish Compatiblilty


Fish Addict
Apr 2, 2004
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I need a good fish compatibility list for my new 55 gallon (US)I think tank. I already have guppies, blue danios, and a pleco that i want to incorperate into this tank!
I was thinking around this line of fish:
Including the fish above and these....
Zebra Danio
Neon Tetra
Black Neon
Dwarf Gourami (will they much on the smaller fish)
Ghoast shrimp (also will they eat the smaller fish)
other schoaling fish that wont eat a ton of fry....

the tank is somewhere between 55-65 US gallons and it currently has a under gravel filter system with 1 aquaclear powerhead(should I have 2 or just 1 with the bubbler carbon filter thing on the other side) I also have slate-greek ruins in there and plenty of hiding spots which include caves, plastic plants, and rocks..
PLEASE I NEED IDEAS! I will appreciate any help on choosing fish for this aquarium...but please dont ask me to move my ciclids around thankyou :p
You don't have to move them around but they will eventually outgrow a 20 gallon just to let you know.

Besides that all your fish are compatable. It's up to you how you want to mix and match.
are you putting your pleco from the 6 gallon in your 55? if not i would recomend you do. also i would think about moving your parrots into the 55 aswell.

20 gallon tank is too small for them.. idealy each parrot needs approx 10-15 gallons each
thanks u guys, but i already got rid of those parrots but i need help on the new aqaurium PLEASE!
I was checking into it and I decided on a new list of fish! Please help me decide! Thanks

cherry barb
goldern barb
five banded barb
Bronze Cory
Peppered Cory
Leopard Danio
Pearl Danio
Zebra danio
Clown Loach (will they eat eggs and ghoast shrimp)
Zebras/candy striped loach (" ")
Boeseman's Rainbow
Dwarf neon Rainbow
Banded Rainbow
Lake Kutubu Rainbow
Black neon
buenos aires tetra
maybe a lager fish such as pair of Dwarf gourami that wont scool kinda like loaners in there? :eek:

Also the blue danios and plecostomus from my other tank! :D Thanks for answering quickly!
cherry barb
goldern barb
five banded barb
Bronze Cory
Peppered Cory
Leopard Danio
Pearl Danio
Zebra danio
Clown Loach (will they eat eggs and ghoast shrimp)
Zebras/candy striped loach (" ")
Boeseman's Rainbow
Dwarf neon Rainbow
Banded Rainbow
Lake Kutubu Rainbow
Black neon
buenos aires tetra
maybe a lager fish such as pair of Dwarf gourami that wont scool kinda like loaners in there?

Well, that's a lot of different fish to put in one community. How many of each were you thinking of? I've had several communities, and I'm growing to feel more and more that at least one good-sized school (and maybe two in your case) of fish are really desirable in a community.

It's kind of like when I first started planting perennials and, because they are expensive, I would buy one of each of lots of different ones. But then they take years to grow large enough to have any visual impact.

I can't recommend clown loaches for a crowded tank. They aren't predators, but they are shoaling/schooling fish that get pretty large. Here is a good site to read about clowns:
Clown Loaches
There are other, smaller loaches you can consider, but keep in mind that loaches are generally shy.

Dwarf gourami should do ok, depending on the other fish you choose. Buenos Aires tetra might nip their fins. Cherry barbs and golden barbs (or harlequins and glo-lite tetras?) could be good companions for them. Keep in mind that dwarfs sometimes exhibit somewhat aggressive behaviour, especially if spawning occurs.

Rainbows seem like nice fish. I've read that they go well with dwarf gourami. I can't speak from experience, however, as I've never had them.

A shoal of corydoras (whichever variety attracts you) would be very nice. The larger the group, the more activity you will see with them.

You don't say what your water parameters are. That could narrow it down for you. Neons and harlequins like softer, more acidic water.

Your list is too long, I've decided. You should decide what fish you just can't live without and kind of go from there, eliminating the ones that either are not compatible or need different water than you have. I would try that, and come back with a much smaller list. :D
I agree with Alia.

Dwarfs need their space and should be put together with very busy fish.
Same goes for the clown loaches, except for the fact that they can be very busy fish to.

Also you want a lot of different shoal fish together, this will give a very messy effect. Also shoal fish should be kept with minimal 8 members of their own species.
Than your tank will be to full.
I have a 55 gallon and have a dwarf blue and dwarf red gourami. Also have yellow and rosy barbs as well as rams, gold and blue. \
Rainbowfish are pretty fish and could help fill your tank. :rolleyes:
Yea, thats not all the fish Im puting in there just the fish i think will go good in there. I just got done putting all the decorations in there and it is very coool!! It has alot of hiding places(maybe too much) and the fry will surely escape! I used slate to design caves and stuff on a Roman ruins theme(i need some pics :p ) but any ways I need help cutting that list down! Thanks
As I said before, start with the fish you can't live without, and we can help you build around them. You've got to give us a little hint here -- we can't read your mind! :lol:
Well currently I have 4 guppies( 1 male 3 females) 5 pearl danios and 1 plecostomus in there. The temp. is about 78* F and this is my updated list that i wish to buy:

2 guppies (m + f)
4 otos
3 or 6 ghost shrimp
maybe 2 more pearl danios
8 or 16 Zebra danios
3 neon tetras
3 black neon tetras
maybe a larger kindly fish that wont eat much stuff up....Like a dwarf gourami or something?

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