Fish Compatibility Advice Please


New Member
Jul 28, 2010
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Hello Everyone,

I wondered if you can help? I have a 125 litre tank which has 15 neon tetras and 2 male dwarf gouramis in it. My question is, what else can I have that will be compatible with these fish? I really love Angel fish but I know they may eat my tetras and my tank may not be big enough? I also love Betta's, but will they get on with my Gouramis? I would like some rummy nose tetras too, will they be ok with what I have. Sorry for all the questions, I just don't want to end up regretting buying a fish that isn't happy or makes the others unhappy. Also, one of my gouramis is biulding a huge bubble nest, is that normal?

Many thanks for any advice :)
2 male Dwarf Gouramis could mean a fight will break out.
The Neons and Angels should be fine together as long as the Angelfish as very small and is regularly fed. Ive have Angelfish in 125l tanks with no problems of the tank being too small. Mine hasn't touch any of my Neons :rolleyes: :p
I don't think adding a Betta will be possible because of the Gouramis.
Thank you for replying :) I am so excited that you said that you have had angels and neons together. I love my neons as they were my very first fish, so I don't want anything to happen to them. I have also always wanted angels so I'll give it a try :) I do love Betta's, but mayve one of those is for another tank at a later date. Thanks for the reply :)

p.s. all good so far with my gourami's, although the nest building one is a bit territorial. It annoys me that fish stores tell you something so different to what experienced fish keepers tell you. They said the 2 male gouramis would be ok!
lol, all my angels do is hang around in the surface of the water , waiting for me to feed them flake food :hyper: :shout:
I agree with Carlovel1, angels can be fine with neons and should work well in a 125L (they usually need about 17" of tank height minimum and I think a 125 should have that. One good trick is indeed to introduce the angels -after- the neons, as you would do and to introduce young angels. There is still some chance an angel would snap up a neon someday, years from now when it is very big but really I think the chances are small and if you have the same neons, they will be somewhat bigger too!

Rummys will get significantly bigger than neons, making them no concern at all and they are yet another fish that would enjoy a softer, more acid tank like the angels and neons (all these fish are pretty hardy in a wide range of waters but will just be somewhat more comfortable in a tank where the water is softer and more acid.)

Is your tank pretty mature then?

I have also kept neons and angels together. As others have mentioned I found them fine together while the fish were young. After a couple of years, as the angels grew bigger, I found out why people kept telling me not to do that as the 30 neons in my 120 gallon disappeared at the rate of one or two a week until there were no more. Now I no longer try to keep angels and neons together.
I agree with old man it may work while there young but its just waiting to happen. they can live fine together for years then out of no where they will start to disappear. Its not worth the risk IMHO.
If you feed your angelfish well, with frozen foods every day/s, there is absolutely no reason why the angel will eat the neons. As Waterdrop said I introduced my angels after my neons and they get on well. My neons stay at the bottom of the tank , my angels at the top.
Some people say its mostly an angel mouth-size factor, that if eventually get the situation where the angels are so big that it becomes easy for them to eat a neon whole, they will do it. I suppose its possible too that there is variation among the individual cichlids themselves, perhaps a chance tasting leads to a "like," lol.

It could be that you and I have simply not experienced the size-differential, carlovel1, perhaps our neons were more jumbo or our angels had not matured as much.


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