fish compatabillity


New Member
May 14, 2004
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hi guys i need help chosing my next bach of fiss

i currently own in a 1.2m by 50 by 50 tank

2 angel fish
1 red dwarf
1gormaie pearl
1 simese female
2 balla sharks
5lemon tetras
2 black striped tetras
5 neon tetras
1 clown loach

here is the prob im looking for a yellow fish or at least fish whith lots of colour
to spruce up my tank no greys or white or silves

im kinda new and have already learnt a hell of a lot just by reading these forums
so please help

ps also what is the impact of a skimmer on a tropical comunity tank

thankx staxs your freind the fish saver :hey:
I've never used a skimmer but have read that they are not much use in a f/w tank.

I've read some posts that suggest that you may have trouble in the future with some of your fish. I've got angels with cardinals and guppies and hope that the angels won't start feeding on them when they get bigger. Neons are even smaller so you might have a few problems there. I'm sure though that some people here have kept them together fine. To be sure you could get a smaller 2nd tank and move the neons over when the angels get bigger.

I've kept gouramis and have had trouble with them. Mine didn't exactly get on together, and took a disliking towards my guppies too. I had dwarf neon and dwarf red gouramis, but think I was just unlucky with them.
i feel like i keep repeating myself here........but you need more than 1 clown loach.....they need to be kept in groups of 3 or more......... :D
well thanks for the advise and i am getting a nother tank and clown as soon as my boss pays me so far no problim and yes my gormeis have taken a bit of a disliking to one another

ps if anyoune out there has advice on more fish i would really love to hear it

please -_-

your paduwan learner fishsaver
my lfs told me it was a gormie of sorts its silver bule whith red stripes :nod:

i think its also known as a dwarf

Common name/s: Dwarf Gourai

Scientific name: Colisa lalia

Family: Belontiidae
I used to have a red dwarf gourami......... Sometimes you will find that gouramis fight. My first time I had gouramis I bought 3....all the same size.......two of them ganged up on the other one and literally bugged it to death.....wasn't a good experience.......!!! Then,the bigger one of the remaining two decided he didn't like the smaller one and killed him too. Nightmare!!! Better news is that all the gouramis I have had since have been completely tolerant of each other. :D

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