Fish Compatability


New Member
Aug 16, 2003
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I have just come into possesion of a 15 gallon ?? (12x12x24) tank and am currently looking at fish to fill it with

I really like the look off the Red Tailed Shark and the Siamese Fighting Fish (Bettas) however I guess this is a case of either/or as I presume these two fish would not be compatible in the same tank.

If the two arent compatible any suggestions as to a nice colourful individual looking fish

My aim is to get two fair size fish 3-5" and then fill the rest of my quota with schooling fish

I was thinking of adding Neon Tetras to the tank as my schooling fish, whats a good amount to add (considering the size of the tank), will they be compatible with either of the above fish? ie they are not going to get eaten are they?

Any advice would be appreciated

you may get away with keeping the siamese fighter with the shark but I wouldn't advise it. this is because the shark could and probably will become teratorial. I would have the siamese fighter and the neons. if you try and keep the shark with any of the other two, it could nip the fins of the siamese fishter and chase the neons causing stress. I'mnot saying this will happen ecause I used to keep a shark in my community tank containing neons, gouramis, swordtails etc.
it all depends on the indavidual fish. if you want to keep all three fish together, then by allmeans try but be prepared to watch then carefully and remove one or two of tem is neccacary. (make sure the shop wil take the fish back.
The Red tailed shark get to about 6-7" and it would be to big for a 15 Gallon. However the 15 gallon would make a perfect house for a duel tank for Bettas. Go to your LFS and get a tank divider, plenty of plants to hid the divider from each other and viola, you have a duel tank that is ideal for Bettas. I am shortly making my 10 gallon into a duel Betta tank.


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