fish combo...


New Member
Aug 20, 2004
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im just wondering which you guys would think is a better combonation...

6 barbs (i already have)
1 dwarf gourami
2-3 cories

or 6 barbs
1 dwarf gourami
1 pleco catfish

or wether i could have both the pleco and a couple cories

im just a bit overwhelmed with all these fish combonations and i hear that some are fine and some arent, and i just want some buddies for my barbs!
and the dwarf gouramis would bring in some more colour.
Depending on the size of your tank (I am going to assume 10 gallons / 40 litres), I would say the corys would be the better choice. Get a group of corys for best results and more fun viewing. They like to play in groups.

Having said that, I would also look for a smaller pleco such as a peckoltia (tiger pleco) or ancistrus (bushynose). Regular plecos (plecostomus) grow too large for even the largest home aquarium and really aren't the best algae eaters anyway. A pleco is an algae eater (sometimes) and corys are scavengers (sort-of), both from the same watershed and can co-exist quite peacefully. Stick with one pleco per tank unless there are plenty of caves as they can get ornery with one another sometimes.

As for the barbs / gourami combination, I would not do it myself. Most barbs are known for their hyperactive behaviour, and would harrass a dwarf gourami to death in short measure, especially as a school. Having said that, in a 50 gallon / 200 litre tank with adequate plant cover, there are worse combinations than what you suggest. I would rather see rainbowfish or larger tetras (congo, emporer, columbian blue, blackskirt, etc...) in a community with barbs, but if your tank is only 10 gallons, we are already describing a horribly overstocked tank and need to rethink the whole idea.

Hope that helps some,
If you can help us by giving us the size of your tank I think that we can make some better suggestions.
I personally love the behavior or antics of the cory cats as the love to school. Depending on the size of you tank a group of 6 or so really adds so much to the tank.

oh i thought i replied already but i guess it didnt work...
my tank is 20gal.
the corys sound fun so i think i shall invest in some of those...
thanks so much, im glad i didnt end up getting a gourami or two and sendin gthem to their deathbed(s) -_-
Cories are great fish :) However I'd recommend getting as many as you can safely fit into your tank, prererably 4-6, because they are shoal fish.

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