Fish Comatibility


New Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Hi, I just brought an Rainbow shark for my aquarium(16 gallon). I got a rainbow shark, and two pearl danio. Can i keep one more rainbow shark, i heard a lot that two always fight, but i saw in the LFS shop there were plenty kept together and i ma seeing them for the pas t 4 weeks. Also can i keep guppy with them. I am so keen to keep guppies.
i brought two live plant in the aquarium. not sure about the specie i will post pic later
Yes, In any LFS you will find the sharks in one tank, however these are always juveniles and are only usually together for a matter of weeks before they are sold.

However once they mature they will not tolerate sharing their tank with any other shark or similar looking fish.

Your 16G is way too small for a single mature shark and you will find yourself with lots of problems iwith aggression if the shark is not removed

a single mature Rainbow shark will need a tank size of around 50G
You should not keep them with guppies. They are too aggressive for that. I agree, your tank if way to small for one. They get to be a good size at 6”. That is why they need a larger tank. They can be really aggressive and territorial so you don’t want to keep them with any small fish.

They hate their own kind. Plus you would not have room for two.

Two sharks will fight when they mature.

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