Fish Choices

1) 1 Male Betta + 2 Cory
2) 3 or 4 female Betta
3) 2 Dwarf Puffer + 2 Otos
4) Rasboras..


Shrimp/Snails etc

The options above are assuming you have decent filtration and a regimented maintenance schedule.
I was thinking:

6 Zebra Danios
3-4 Cherry barbs(or a pair of dwarf gouramis)
3-4 Cory Catfish

Is that an OK setup?
yeah what they said ^

also maby...

fidler crabs
tiger barbs
goldfish, hehe
I wouldn't put danios in a 10 gallon; they need a 20 gallon long at minimum IMO. They very active and tend to need a lot of swimming room otherwise they might get aggressive.

If I had a 10 gallon, I'd set up endlers and shrimps.
I was thinking:

6 Zebra Danios
3-4 Cherry barbs(or a pair of dwarf gouramis)
3-4 Cory Catfish

Is that an OK setup?

As was said above, Danios are fast swimming fish and need lots of swimming room, 10g is pretty small for those.

A trio of cherry barbs could go quite well with maybe smaller corydoras if you are rigorous about your maintenance.

In my opinion 3 Cherry barbs and 3 Corydoras Julii or other 2 inch corydora would be pretty well stocked for that size of tank, possibly even slightly overstocked.
yeah what they said ^

also maby...

fidler crabs
tiger barbs
goldfish, hehe

tiger barbs are basically the same story as danios, they need lots of room to be properly enjoyed.

no chance a goldfish! it'll outgrow that tank veryvery quickly.

And if a pleco, it'd need to be a small growing one (clown plec, bristlenose etc etc)

And i'm not sure about the crabs, i've read some places that they should be in a bigger tank than a 10g. You would need to remember they need access to land too.

cheers 14gtr14

PS I would probably go with 2-3 dwarf puffers and 2-3 ottos OR a shell dweller tank of 3-4 Neolamprologus multifasciatus (as these are a small variety)
and shrimp

thats what i have

gouramis wont be happy in a 10 gall

a betta is also a good choise
Ok, Is there a few tetras or small little fish I could put in?

And I might be able to get an 20G after christmas, so should I wait?

Oh and what would work for a 20G? Sorry for all the questions, Thanks
You could also do

Choice #1
3 Pairs of Dwarg/Croakinh Graumis(blah cant spell)
2-3 Ottos
or britle Nose Catfish

Choic 2
1 dwarf puffer
2-3 tetras
1-2 ottos

Choice 3
3-4 female bettas
2-3 ottos

Choice 4
1 male betta
2-3 ottos

I think thats good
Choice 2 really isn't gonna be good. Dwarf puffers need their own species tanks. It would munch on the tetras. It would probably leave the ottos alone though.
Not a bristlenose .... they grow to about 4 inches and produce much waste. I think that'd be to oheavy for a 10 gallon.
Ottos are great tho, they stay nice and small.
If you're going for female Bettas you probably want to go for 5 and not add any other fish. With the male Betta you might get away with other fish, depending on the tolerance of the Betta. If you don't have a backup tank to move the betta to I would avoid that option.

Other options might be...
2-3 Shrimp and 6 small tetras maybe ? With 2-3 of Otocinculus.
6 Harlequin Rasbora with 6 Corydoras Pygmaeus or Corydora Habrosus.
1 Male Betta with a few Amano shrimp or Apple Snail or Mystery Snail or a few Corys or an african dwarf frog (not clawed).
6-8 Galaxy Rasbora with 2-3 Otocinculus or 6 pygmy corys.
if i was you i would go for:

1 male betta
1 bn pleco(bristlenose or a clown but they are more on the exspensive side)
4-5 ember tetras (small but a very nice orangy colour and peaceful)

i think that would be a great combo lol.

or my second choice is:

4 male guppies
pr of rams(dwarf cichlids,very peaceful)
4-5 ember tetras
that maybe over stocked but i think you would get away with it because the embers are not big waiste producers.

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