Fish Chasing Each Other


New Member
Apr 8, 2010
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I have had a tank set up for a while now and it had two orandas in it, however last month one of them unfortunatly passed away. I have since let the tank hopefully fix and today added a second oranda, however after releasing him into the tank he has been chasing my original oranda around ever since. I am quite worried as I do not want Mairi (First) to become ill due to the adding of this new fish. He seems to be chasing round ehr back then she swims away for a bit then he returns and chases her around again, going behind her tail again. I have tried looking it up but I didn't think it likely they were breeding and that was the only answer I was able to find.

Help? :*

(Also Hi, I have just joined as it seemed like a good place to get help :) )
I have had a tank set up for a while now and it had two orandas in it, however last month one of them unfortunatly passed away. I have since let the tank hopefully fix and today added a second oranda, however after releasing him into the tank he has been chasing my original oranda around ever since. I am quite worried as I do not want Mairi (First) to become ill due to the adding of this new fish. He seems to be chasing round ehr back then she swims away for a bit then he returns and chases her around again, going behind her tail again. I have tried looking it up but I didn't think it likely they were breeding and that was the only answer I was able to find.

Help? :*

(Also Hi, I have just joined as it seemed like a good place to get help :) )

Hi there and welcome to the forum!

The first assumption would be that the fish are mating.

However, I observed something similar aftern introducing a male telescope to my female telescope a few weekends ago. They did the very same thing... playing tank, nudging each other, sticking their heads in eahc other's tails. I was positive that I would wake up to eggs the next morning but nope! They're keeping the relationship 'just friends' lol!

Even weeks later they are still 'buddied up' and never stray far from each other. No eggs of course, they just love hangin' out together. Whoever said that a goldfish doesn't need company of the same species needs a reality check! I knew they were social fish, but not this social!!! It's quite cute.
Ah :D Things seem to have chilled out now and they seem friendly enough so hopefully ill be in the same run as you, as these are telescopes too :D

Thanks for your help

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