Ive posted alot on this site, Im just still curious I stocked my tank way to early and with my water stats being ammonis 1.0 nitrites 0 nitrates 0 and ph 7.2 I assume the advice I recieved from LPS was not accurate it doesnt only take 3 days with filter on to cycle tank. I have 2 golden gouramis, 2 kribensis chichlids,chine algae eater, 2 mollies, 4 neons and 4 zebras in a 30 gallon tank, I was told that was ok maybe for now when they are all small. If my tanks is still cycling with that many fish in it , what are my chances I can keep these fish alive? And if anyone has had the same downfall at the start of this hobby please give me some advice, Ive been doing 10 percent water changes everyday and bought a gravel vac and put in some streess zyme when will I know tank is cycled when all stats are 0 or are all these things Im doing just delaying the cycling process. Do I ACTUALLY need my ammonia levels to spike so the nitrite will break it down, Hopefully this question makes sense thanks