Fish Brought Us Together


Fish Crazy
Jan 20, 2010
Reaction score
South Carolina
Sounds so silly, but it's true!

I'm engaged to a guy that I actually went to high school with, but we didn't know one another. Then he showed up at my work with a friend of his and we saw one another and you know what happened next. :rolleyes:

I was leary about dating him because I didn't know if we would have anything in common and in high school he was a trouble maker, but a few years in the big world can really change a person. :good: And I remember one of our first conversations over the computer and I told him I was on "Fishville" (for those who don't know its a game on Facebook) And he responded, "I have Cichlids." And I was like, "Really? On the game?" Him: "No. I have real African Cichlids. I just got them."


Funny how things play out. So during our first few weeks of dating he bought me a gorgeous Betta and we split my 5.5 gallon tank. We bought a bumblebee cichlid later on and added it to his tank with the others. Then the bumblebee grew large and evil and he's still one of our favorites! Then he bought a house in early May. And we went on a cruise a few weeks ago and he bought me an engagement ring. :)

And between each other we have 6 tanks. A 55 gallon with the African cichlids, a 10 gallon QT, 10 gallon breeder, 37 community, 5.5 betta tank, and my 29 that is still not occupied.

Right now we're having to limit how much we spend on fish though and it's killing us!!! We have to save up for the honeymoon and wedding and such and we're suffering from MTS!!!!!
Congratulations :) My girlfriend is coming round to fish now we met and as we look at houses more the more of a priority for her is it for a bigger tank to fit in hahaha :)

congrats xx
Awww congrats, it's great when things like this bring people together. Kinda like a modern day 'knight on a white horse' tale.

Can you send some of that luck my way please :lol:
congrats :good: That was such a cute story. Dogs brought my husband and I together. I wish he was into fish oh well so he is not perfect :lol: .
Thanks you guys.


Here is some luck *shoves a handful of four-leaf clovers*

Trust me, sometimes to get some good luck it takes some bad luck first. :sad: It just so happens to be I was in an emotionally distraught relationship before I "re-met" my now fiance. It wasn't going well, but he was my friend so I stayed in the relationship anyway even though when he did wrong he would twist everything I said and make me seem the one who was wrong. He could get inside your head.

And my fiance is nothing like him. Plus my fiance LOVES fish. The last guy hated them. Even stated that if I lived with him I could only have one small tank and he said something along the lines of, "And don't expect me to do anything with it." Whatever. My man now I have to advise to stop spending money on fish. We need to spend /some/ of it on ourselves. :lol:
Excellent; my boyfriend has just bought a second tank hahahaha.

Between us we have 6 tanks...oops (when we buy a house together there might be space for us haha).

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