fish books


New Member
Jan 3, 2005
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I was wondering if one were to purchase an encyclopedia or set of encyclopedias on fish, which would be the best choice?
:hi: to the forum. Introduce yourself in the newbie section. :D

Are you looking to get pictures and snippets of information on many many fish? If so, sorry, I stay away from those books because I don't find them very useful.

For precise info on groups, such as cichlids and barbs, the Baron's series are good for that. Not necessarily very in-depth, but the basics are covered rather well. :D

I would recommend 3 books :-

"Tropical Fishlopaedia - a complete guide to fish care" By Mary Bailey and Dr Peter Burgess ISBN 1 86054 102 X

Very factual and a bit heavy reading but has answered most of my questions.

" An essential guide to choosing tropical freshwater fish" (Tankmaster range of books) By Gina Sandford ISBN 1 902389 95 6

Basic but gives a good description of each fish and well illustrated.

"Aquarium Fish" (Dorling Kindersley range of books) By Dick Mills ISBN 0 7513 1021 2 (HARDCOVER) 0 7513 2726 3 (FLEXIBOUND)

Gives a good description of each fish.

One of the best sources of information I have found however is the members on this list and the various postings. :D
Hi Again

Another book I have found extremely useful is :-

"An illustrated encyclopaedia of Aquarium Fish" By Gina Sandford
ISBN 1 86160 965 5

Good basic, well illustrated encyclopaedia.


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