Fish Behaviour?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2014
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Added 3x Endlers Livebearer to my tank on monday, fish have been behaving fine, swimming mainly at the top/middle of the tank but occasionally venturing to the bottom amongst the plants.
As my cycle only finished last saturday, I have been monitoring water parameters carefully (testing every 2 days) to make sure everying is okay. Nitrite has been 0 and Ammonia 0 every time I have tested.

Last night I added quite a few new plants to the tank, distrubed the substrate quite a lot and distrubed the fish. Did a 25% water change afterwards and cleaned some of the gravel, added clean water with Prime added, fished out large debris with a net and then fed the fish. Everything seemed fine.
This morning the fish are mostly staying in one corner of the tank (front corner which is unplanted) and swimming vertically to the surface and then back down again. Researching this I heard it could be a sign of stress so i tested both ammona and nitrite again but they both read 0.
My other idea was that when the door is shut the tank only gets light in that corner, and that possibly they were orientating themselves towards the light, I have since kept the door shut and they seem to be doing it less but they still go there occasionally?
They don't spend all their time in the corner doing this type of swimming, but I have noticed it increasingly.... they also rarely venture into the heavily planted area of the tank and swim monstly in the open. Anyone have any ideas or is this normal behaviour?.
They will still be getting used to being in your tank if they were only added on Monday - maybe they are just feeling a bit stressed that their surroundings are changing.
Are they eating when fed?
Mamashack said:
They will still be getting used to being in your tank if they were only added on Monday - maybe they are just feeling a bit stressed that their surroundings are changing.
Are they eating when fed?
I agree with this, could well be they're still getting established in their new home.
What size of tank is this BTW?
Are you planning on getting more endlers or other fish?
Fish I add usually do this as well as when I add new decor or clean the tank.  Just keep the light off for a few days and try not to get too close to the tank. Sometimes fish will freak out when you come too close and they aren't used to people. 
The fish all eat when fed, although i'm unsure of exactly how much to feed so i might be feeding them too little!
Tank is a 70 litre (18.5 US G ish) fairly heavily planted with a fair amount of flow.
Final stocking will be: (18-19 inches depending on size of fish)
3 Endlers Livebearer (M)
3 Dwarf Chain Loach (Mix)
2 Platies (M)
5 Galaxy/Espei/Chilli microrasbora. (Mix)
Water went fairly cloudy later today, added some Interpet filter aid and water has cleared up nicely. The fish have been spending considerably less time at the sides since the lights came on at 3.00pm and are back to usual behaviour... with the odd stint of climbing the glass!

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