Fish Behavior

Betta Lover

New Member
Mar 27, 2003
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:-( HELP HELP HELP :-( ,

My fish started to battle each other last night for no reason :-( :-( . I'm so confused :S. I'm not really sure why this is happening, but I think it might have something to do with my new power blue dwarf gourami.
Just to let you know, my gourami has been building a rather large bubble nest, " which is normal ", and he has been attacking my dwarf puffer fish. I am very aware that dwarf puffer fish nip fins, but mine act like perfect little angles :angel:. The reason I'm confused, is that my dwarf gourami usually has a small bubble nest near the floating water plants, but I have never seen him act like this at all.I think he might be acting like this, because he might be in the mood for spawning, but I'm not sure :/ ???

Thank You In Advanced
Betta Lover

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