Fish Attacking New Guppies!


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:thumbs: I recently bought two male blue and white fancy guppies and placed them both in a quarantine tank for a few days. Today I decided to introduce them into my 46 gallon tank because they seemed very active and healthy. The moment the guppies were released into the tank, the fish suddenly chased after them and nipped them aggressiely. :eek: They looked like they were attacking the new arrivals. The tank mainly contains mollies, platies and guppies so all of the fish are peaceful. I quickly dropped food into the tank, hoping that the fish would calm down and not go after the new guppies. To my surprise, they just ignored the food and they continued to chase after guppies. I quikly removed the guppies and placed them both into a breeder net. :sad:

A few hours later, I reintroduced one of the guppies into the tank but the fish only chased after him again. :-( One of the fish nipped at his dorsal fin and it was enough to tear it slightly. I immediately rescued him and placed him back in the breeder net. Now, I’m completely worried because I never experienced this problem before! Any advice or suggestions? :/
-_- The new guppies are about the same size as most of the other fish. The smallest fish in the tank are the young platies and the largest are the black mollies. I never had this probelm before! :/ It was so heart-breaking to watch the new guppies being nipped and chased by the other fish.

:sad: I tried to introduce one of the guppies into the tank again, hoping that the fish had settled down through the night. The fish chased after the guppies, so I immediatly removed him and placed him back in the breeder net.
No Kidding! That's really sad. Maybe put them in there with the light out, and they can find a place to hide out. Either that or get another tank! (just what we all need) ;)
Who's doing the nipping?? I've seen some of those little tirds get enough gumption to back down paradise which can be a pretty tempermental gourami. Anyways, sounds like one of those deals where they think he's prettier than they are :fun: Not to joke....hopefully you can just control it until the 29 gets bout through the cycle. Don't over feed of course but feed till they're full and lights out, they never seem to get ticked when its dark enough not to see :shifty: My peacocks have issues with exceptionally brightly colored species when I throw a new one in. Almost lost a red empress...... Good luck :-(
:no: Mostly the molleis and platies were nipping the new fish, but a few of the guppies chased after them also. I was just so surprised because they never attacked new arrival before. Could the probelm be related to their color, since I never bought blue and white guppies before? -_-

:sad: I tried to release one of the guppies into the tank again but the fish still chased after him after a third attempt of introduction. I immediately placed him back in the breeder net, so they both are safe now.

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