Fish at the Top???


New Member
Feb 22, 2004
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My aquarium was set up two days ago, I didn't know this forum existed or I would have done the fishless cycling that I was recommended in this forum. So, being impatient I waited 24 hours and then ran out to get a couple fish.

I've noticed that my fish (3 Red Swordtails) are constantly hanging around at the top of the tank. Could this be that they are trying to get oxygen? I have a kit tank so I have a filter, is this enough? Or do I need to get one of those bubble pumps?

I can also adjust the filter input, is it better to have more or less?

Thanks in advance.

Ok, you oughta do this ASAP.

do a 50% water change with dechlorinated water. Also make sure its the same temperature.

Thats ASAP. Now in the longer run, how big is your aquarium?

20 gallons...

How long since the time the fish went it?
Have you done any water changes during that period?
How much do you feed? how many times?
Any plants?

Try getting Bio-Spira. Some people say its really good to start the cycle, while others say its crap. Try it out and see. Also get a test kit, that tests for ammonia and nitrIte at the least. If possible, get a full test kit with nitrAte, pH, hardness, etc.


P.S: dont get anymore fish for a while
The fish have only been in for 2 days.

I have floating pellets and I only feed them 1 once a day.

I've never changed the water, it has only been up and running for 2 days...

I have two plants, just got them yesterday.

I won't be getting any more fish for a while...

Off to the Pet Store.

Right now you just have high ammonia from the start of the cycling process making the fish come to the surface to try and breathe. Just do some small water changes and realize that if you do a cycle with fish that arent hardy you may loose them.
Unfortunately I have found out through experience and research that swordtails are not the hardiest of the livebearers. I've had glass cats, tetras, cories, plecos, and swordtails; and the only fish to die so far have been swordtails. Then again they came from the same tank at petsmart ...

I also recommend the penguin biowheel filters for anybody - they put healthy bacteria in the water faster and filter out many more nitrites IMO.
So I went out and bought some non-chlorine water.

Can I re-use the container as long as I let the water sit for over two days to get rid of the chlorine?

Are the fish just swimming around at the top or are they actually gasping?

If they are just swimming then you have nothing to worry about, they are top feeders and are looking for food.

If they are gasping then it is most likely ammonia or lack of oxygen.
Actually I just tested the ammonia and it wasn't very high. They are swimming everywhere now, I also bought better food. I don't think they liked the pellets. But they do like the top more than anywhere else. I think they are on speed, they dart around everywhere.

So time will tell.

Thanks to everyone for the help.

swordtails are great. they are usually to be found zooming around the tank and theyre top feeders so they are acting normal.

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