Fish Are Sick With Ich?


New Member
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
southern california
I just noticed one of my neon tertras might have ich. It's got little white spots on it. And another tetra's fins appear to have been nipped. The other fish look fine. I had just bought some new fish and I'm thinking maybe some new guy had ich. Any advice on how to treat this? I don't want my other fish to get infected. Also, everyone was healthy until I bought the new fish. I'm trying to get a picture but they won't stay still :)
Whitespot looks like the fish had been sprinkled in salt.
If you don't want other fish to get infected is best to quarantine fish for 4 to 6 weeks.

Raise temp to 30 and increase aeration in the tank, as the high temp and med reduce 02 in the water.
Remove black carbon if you use it.
Read med instructions carefully as with scaless fish you have to half dose.
Usually with neon tetra's you have to half dose as they don't tolerate parasite meds to well.
Remove snails and strimps if you have them in your tank as they can't tolerate whitespot meds.

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