Fish are in!


Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2004
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Well today I got 3 ablino cory's and 6 neon's.
Thing is they've been swimming around like crazy for the past 3 hrs, is this normal? The water is a bit tingy, would that have anything to do with it? All the perameters are fine and except for a new air hose i moved just a bit i dont know whats spooking them, should I do anything to calm them a bit? I know cory's usually stick to the bottom of the tank too.

Actually, albinos seem to get weild every now and then. Mine did that when I first added them and months later they still swim up top now and again. Nothing to worry about.

As for the neons swimming around like crazy, I'd say that's a good sign (if they're chasing one another). :D
corys do not stick to the bottom of the tank, they go everywhere. mine have picked a favourite tank wall and just go up and down it all day long. then they go browse on plant leaves.

fish like to swim, its what they do. :)

however as you can see them and i can't, if you genuinely beleive they're stressed about somehting, it's probably jsut cos of the move from teh lfs to your tank. keep the lights off till tomorrow and hopefully if they are gonna calm down, tehy willdo so. you might jsut have hyper fish, cories and tetras are not teh most sedate fish after all ;)
thanks for the help!

the lfs employee thought i was nuts to get neons and said i should get emperor ones because they were hardier and worth the few dollars more per fish. I'm out to prove him wrong, haha.
They are weaker. Plus, there's the chance that they could get neon tetra disease.

However, with stable water conditions and maintenance, there's no reason you can't keep them.
I guess it's a matter of your lfs, at mine, I was going to get Emperor Tetras and they said they have been having a hard time getting good, hardy emperors and I should stick with my neons :p
I heard about neon tetra disease, is there any cure for it? and would it affect my other fish in the tank?

I have on swimming by himself not schooling, he might be a goner but i'll keep an eye on him, is it okay to have a school of 5 for a while if he needs to be replaced?

Thanks for all the help thus far
I also inspected the lone fish a bit more and he has a few bites into his back tail, i heard they will gang up on him so im not sure what to do im' hoping its not fin rot but from the look of the fish it looks like he had a few bites taken into his tail.
They might start attacking him more because he is injured. try quarantine.

No cure for neon tetra disease but protozoin or somehting like taht stops the spread of it, from what other aquarists here have said.
I have one other tank with mollies, would it be alright in there with them?

I just realized how hard it is to catch neons, haha.
Constant movement of the net and quick flicks of the wrist.

It should be ok in there, just as long as the mollies aren't too aggressive.

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