Fish are Dying :-(


Fish Fanatic
Oct 28, 2003
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:-( Well i went away last night and when i came back this morning two of my guppies were dead. It was so sudden, they both had seemed fine yesterday before i left. One other guppy died last week, but i think that might have been due to birthing problems as she was due to have her babies.

Well I didnt know that they had died and on my way home i picked up two more girl guppies, and 4 endlers, so now i'm not sure if its really mean of me to put them in there because i dont know what is wrong. i had no where else to put them, and all the water params checked out (Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, pH 8.0, GH 31), so i put them in (endlers are in a breeder net till the other tank is ready and so that they dont get busy with the guppies)

Heres what was in there(20 gal tank, fully cycled): Betta (took him out now, just in case it was him terrorizing them), 3 Green Tiger Barbs (i have never seen them bother anything else besides each other), 1 pleco (small common), 3 Guppies (now two died), and 1 zebra danio.

I figure the bioload of adding the new fish wont be so bad since those other ones died, and since i took the betta out, and the endlers are tiny, so i think it about works out to adding two new fish.

anyways thats my problem and i will stop blabbing, i just hope someone has an idea of whats goin on!! thanks!!! :*)
~dEx :*
My money's on the betta since everything else checks out and it was so sudden and more than one.
ok that makes me feel better cuz i took him out right away just in case. :*) phew. thanks for the fast reply!! ~dEx :*
You're welcome. :)

that doesn't mean that IS the case, just my guess. :D

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