Thanks for the reply. To attempt to answer the questions you posed I can only reply that I know nothing about fish except that they like water and get angry when you take them out of it. The tank is a 10-gal. That we purchased for my grandson. The fish that are in it are: 1 Chinese Algae –eater, 1 Pleco catfish, 1 Gourami, 1 Neon Tetra, 1 Guppy, 1 Sword, 3 small Pink catfish looking bottom dwellers, 2 Penguin Tetras and 1 Tetra with red fins. When the fish are affected with the “open mouth” they look like Pac-Man swimming around with the mouth in the open position. I just looked with a magnifying glass and it looks like they don’t even have a bottom of the mouth…like its rotted away or something. One of them had a brownish patch around its mouth yesterday and today it’s swimming around with the mouth open.