Fish And Sound Systems?


New Member
Apr 1, 2009
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Hi there, new to the forum.

Been keeping tropicals for a while now, Been looking recently at putting a tank in my bedroom.

I have a rather powerful sound system in my room and was wandering if this would have any adverse affects on my fish?

Cheers in advance.
when i was like 8 i think i killed my fish with my guitar. so, yes, i do think loud noise and vibrations and such harm fish, although i couldn't tell you how.
Bearing in mind that low frequencies can travel through just about anything (a 20Hz sine wave is something like 17.3 meters long, if memory serves me correctly...) and that fishes have a very sensitive lateral line and that sounds travels better in water than in air, this + music + volume will equal VERY unhappy fish.

At work, a colleague has goldfish on her desk (she's a video editor) and believe me, even a coffee cup knocking on the desk is enough to alarm them, sound is after all, a kind of vibration - be it through air, wood or water.


I'm a sound engineer by trade, so yeah... I know very well what audio could possibly do to fishies!!

(And if you want further proof of how damaging sound can be in water, just think about how the naval sonar systems are killing whales by shattering their earbones: the whales can't navigate, therefore can't feed, therefore they die.)

So no, sound systems + volume + fishies won't happily mix!!

Ok cheers for that.

Its an 850w RMS system, so i certainly wont be putting a tank in my bedroom now.

I was having images of petrified fish and a broken glass tank!

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