Ok I have 6 platies/variatus, 6 dwarf gouramis and 2 small clown loaches in my 29G tank. All water readings at ideal level. Water is 77F.
The fish are all attacking each other. One female variatus is getting stressed -- hiding and there is a hint of white spot on her now (which makes me worry for the clowns).
Many dwarf gouramis obviously stressed, hiding. Some nipped fins evident.
One male variatus is main culprit, though the gouramis are all after each other.
What could be causing this?
What could stop it???
These are all supposed to be peaceful community fish!
The fish are all attacking each other. One female variatus is getting stressed -- hiding and there is a hint of white spot on her now (which makes me worry for the clowns).
Many dwarf gouramis obviously stressed, hiding. Some nipped fins evident.
One male variatus is main culprit, though the gouramis are all after each other.
What could be causing this?
What could stop it???
These are all supposed to be peaceful community fish!