Fish Aggression!


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:crazy: This is just too weird! Two weeks ago I bought two blue/white male guppies and tried to release them into my 46 gallon tank. The fish (mainly the platies) chased the new arrivals and looked like they were attacking them. Since the guppies were being nipped aggressivly, I immediatly removed them and placed them both in a breeder net. I tried to release them 3 more time but teh fish continued to chase them. I dropped food into the tank, but that didn't work. Since most of the tank decorations are large, it'll be a little difficult to rearrange them :(

:thumbs: Today, I released one of my male guppy fry which was large enough to join the other fish. I watched carefuly to see if any of the fish would go after him, but they all remained calm. All seemed peaceful, so I decided to introduce one of the blue/white guppies, but the fish started chasing him around. What's going on! Are the fish going after the guppies because they are a different strain of color? They're about the same size as everyone else. Any ideas or suggestions? :dunno:
Any new adult fish added to the tank will catch the attention of the current occupants. Male guppies are not exactly the most subdued type of fish and when they swim away as any new fish will do, that big flag in the back just screams bite me :D :shifty: . Try to add the guppy when the lights are off and if nothing happens right away then give him about an hour to acclimate to the tank. Then try turning on the light. Also are there lots of places for the chased to hide and rest? If there is and you want the guppy in there then you have to put him in and let him try to blend in. The fish will usually stop poking in a short amount of time. But if they dont stop then you have a decision to make. HTH :)
-_- Well, I wouldn't say that they tank has a lot of places to hide because I'm slowly adding plants in but it has a few. There is a hollow mountain, a roman temple and a cliff that provide cover. There are a few plants were he can retreat to in case the fish start chasing him, but they go after him in a large group and follow close behind. I'll take your advice and release one of the guppies when the lights are off. :)
All my fish try to get guppies, that's why I don't have them. My rams, badis badis and curviceps all chase them altough the ram wouldn't eat them. Guppies are just easy fish to beat up I suppose :)
:hyper: Finally the new guppies were released! I bought 11 new live plants and put them all in the back of the aquarium so it created a "forest" area. I also rearragned the exsisting plants to confuse the fish's territory. I released one of guppies, turned off the light but kept an eye on him for a few mintures. The fish began to chase after but they stopped as soon as he found cover between the plant leaves. I guess adding more plants worked! :)

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