Fish Advice Needed


Fish Herder
Sep 21, 2004
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Alright, I now have this huge 125 gallon and it seems empty. :(

I don't have a lot of money to spend and may have none for a week or so, but I need to figure out what to add.

I thought about a pair of German Blue Rams, but from what I understand they need soft water.

So, what would you add? Specs of the tank are in my signature.

PH 7.4 to .6
GH 120
sword tails
iridecent shark peacefull will grow big in time
Zebra danio

the trouble is the guppies lots of fish eat them !!
these won't

are cheap too
Well it kind of depends what you fancy. I would think rams would be fine, most fish can adapt to most reasonae condtions. I think angels would be nice in there, a group of 4 would be cool. Then maybe a group of rainbow fish, some hatchets on the top and a plec and some loaches, like yo yo or kuhli and you'd be set!

lol, too many ideas from me there?
I would rather go discus than Angels and I have heard they can be fully adapted to higher PH. :)

I'm starting to wonder what distilled water would cost in order to do that.......

Wonder if I could get them to bread in 7.4..... ;)

I had thought about Swords, not much into Mollys other than the black sailfins... :)
Gouramies!!! I always suggest these I know :p They are just such great fish. Most of the hardier species do fine in a pH ranging anywhere from 6.0 to 8.0 so your tank would probably suit them well. Plus they preffer peaceful tankmates or they become shy. Again, your current fish would be great. Dwarf gouramies are nice and colorful but small and very peaceful towards other species so they wouldn't cause any trouble and you could keep several in your large tank. Pearl gouramies are my personal favourite and are quite peaceful and extremely beautiful but can be shy. Three-spot gouramies are not as peaceful but will not usualy bother other species and are also very pretty. Its probably best not to keep more than one male though, even though two should be ok in your size tank. Moonlight gouramies are also an option though not as hardy and grow slightly larger than the three-spots and pearls... You could also get angels, as well as any of the gouramies I mentioned. They will usualy get along ok. You could also get the beautiful zebra danios (I love them), or some black phantom tetras (fun to watch IMO) or a few platies (great livebearers IMO and lots of colors). All these fish should do fine together though the three-spot gouramies may be aggressive towards any fish like guppies or other gouramies though not always.
I agree with Sylvia, gourami would go great :nod:

I'd stay away from dwarf gourami myself due to the diseases a lot of them unfortunantly carry due to interbreeding. But pretty much any Trichogaster [/] species will do fine :) That includes 3 spots (all colour morphs such as gold, blue, etc) and pearls :thumbs:

How about some more corys? get a nice big shaol in there :D or some apistogramma species?
Yeah get some apistos :nod: And maybe some badis badis too :thumbs:
Other less expensive fish could be a shoal (6-8 ) otos, of course after you have algae, cories, Farlowella cats (also eat algae).

I would also recommend a large school of tetras, they make a beautiful sight, especially when you mix 2-3 species together :nod:

Honey gouramis, sparkling gouramis, and Croaking gouramis are good to because
1) They don't get to big
2) They are very pretty
3) They can be kept in groups without too much aggression :)
Well, I have 12+ cory fry + another 10 or more eggs from today.... I want to have 5 to 7 peppers and 5 to 7 bronze for each of those shoals, the rest go to the LFS hopefully for trade on some Pandas and maybe Jullis. :)

I like the idea of Gouramis, I was thinking some of the Neon Blues...

No more DANIOS in any of my community tanks. I never lost a cory to them, but I lost multiple guppys while they were in the tank. Since they were removed I haven't lost a single guppy.....

I would like some more info on Irridescent Sharks. I wouldn't mind having a few larger fish.

I'm also thinking about a few clown loaches.

What are badis badis and apistos? Pics would help. :)

Next is what would be the most peaceful tetras? I know that I don't want neons, way to common...
Here is a male apisto (cockatoo dwarf cichlid)

And a female:

I think are are wonderful fish to keep! i have a harem of 1 male and 3 females. My tap water here is VERY hard and high in pH. WHat I've done is converted my tank to RO water and added in these tablets from my LFS that replace the necessary things that were taken out in the RO process. Around here, I can buy RO water for $0.40/gallon from a store (which seems very reasonable to me). The reseults have been great, and I can keep my apistos.
.40 * 125 = $50 + $15-$25 per water change. :( I would be better off to purchase a 55 Gallon per Day RO Unit (about $100.00) and find myself a couple of water barrels at 55G or bigger......

I do like the look of Apistos.. What are the PH/GH requirements of them?

I've decided against an iridescent shark due to what I just read on 52" is almost as big as my whole tank!
Badis badis

Cockatoo apisto (male)
Tetra wise I've always liked rummy nose and the black neons. Dwarf rams are pretty cool, it's really hard for me to think of anything else, I'm the kinda person that would stick the biggest fish in there as possible, without any stunting of course, and I have a certain fondness for fish that are predatory.... :look:
For info on badis badis, look here where I asked about them... :)

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